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Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: How to allow unregistered users to comment ?

@chris thanks for the update. Do we have any workaround to control spam with reCaptcha v3? I am not able to control Spam registrations . I have enab...

3 years ago
RE: How to allow unregistered users to comment ?

@chris any idea when is wpforo 2.0 coming? I am looking to implement reCAPTCHA 3.0 to make the bots harder to register. Is it possible to implement ...

3 years ago
RE: How to allow unregistered users to comment ?

@chris Thanks , this is what I was looking for. btw couple of more questions 1. Can we enable reCaptcha V3? 2. How to hide/ customize forum stat...

3 years ago
RE: How to allow unregistered users to comment ?

@chris yes I have seen the recaptcha settings , but somehow I is working for registered users only. I want to have unregistered users able to comment ...

3 years ago