I see it, but the problem is it takes more space for less visibility. We can't put the last post in the link topic start ? If I select recent post, t...
I come back for a question. In recent topic page, when we click on a topic, we go on first page... Why we can't go on the last answer last page ? It'...
Hello ! I come back to know where the update is 🙂 I see that the link /forum/recent/ is good. We can see only one post by topic. But, it's possi...
Posted by: bartosh Custom css code in wpforo dashboard 🙂 its easy 🙂 Can you explain your custom css code please ?
Posted by: bartosh My wpForo 🙂 How you make this look ?
I hope to see that soon. 🙂
Posted by: SamHunter This occurred to me the other day also. Perhaps there should be both a recent posts page and recent topics page? Or the option to...
I want to my forum will be referenced on google and another search website. The one important thing is to have a sitemap XML for this. What widget you...
How we can know all smiley are on ? I know for : 🙂 = : ) 😉 = ; ) 😛 = : P 😀 = : D
Thank you !