What’s New in wpForo 2.0
Multi-Board System
Allows to create multiple separate forum boards in the same WordPress website
Multi-Language Support
Using the multi-board system, you can create multiple separate forums for each language of your website.
Redesigned Forum Layouts
Four redesigned forum layouts. Allows to create any type of forum: Q&A, classic, threaded and minimalistic...
Dashboard Settings
Re-grouped and re-designed settings page with live searching feature makes it easy to find any setting you need.
New User Profile System
More powerful member profile system with awesome design, so in most cases you won't need to use other profile builder plugins
Points Based Reputation
Now you can set different points for likes, dislikes, new topics and posts. The user reputation will be based on the number of points
Topic Bookmarking
Allows to mark topics and posts as favored and see them in the own profile tab. In this tab, you can also see liked and disliked posts.
Topic Overview
A small panel on the top of all topics displays different statistics and a quick tree of the whole topic with nested replies in one place
And lots of other new features...
Multiple Forum Layouts
wpForo is the only forum software with multiple forum layouts. The Extended, Simplified, Threaded and Q&A forum layouts are ready to use. You can even choose different layouts for different categories in the same forum.
wpForo is a community builder plugin. It brings a powerful and beautify user profile system with registration and login pages. Users can see and manage their own data in Profile, Account, Activity, Favored, Subscriptions and other profile tabs.
Members Profile System
All these and another 100 core features in the FREE wpForo Forum Plugin
Designed For All
You can use wpForo for small and for extremely large communities. We keep improving plugin performance.
Mobile Friendly
Adapted on all screen sizes. You get perfectly scaled layouts on desktop, tabs and smartphones.
SEO Friendly
Built-in SEO functions. SEO effective permalinks, titles, metadata, open graph tags, forum sitemap, and others...
Great Performance
Superfast and light forum with built-in cache. Based on own database tables and doesn't overload WordPress
Modern Layouts and Styles
Comes with four forum layouts (Classic, Q&A, Threaded) and six sets of color styles, including the Dark Style.
Modern User Profile
Powerful and beautiful profile system, with member statistic, settings, activity and subscriptions tabs.
User Rating and Badges
User rating and badge awarding system based on points earned with new topic, post, likes and dislikes.
Members Directory
Forum users are listed in Members Directory with easy search and filtering options.
Easy Forum Hierarchy
Drag and Drop forum management system. Easy to set Parent-Child relationship and forum list order.
Forum Access Roles
Read Only, Standard Access, Moderation Access, Full Access etc… to manage forum accesses.
Easy Moderation
All necessary moderation tools for topic and post. Topic moving, splitting, merging, approving, closing and other tools...
Private Topics
Allows to set topics as private. The private topic is only visible for the topic owner and for forum moderators.