@cmw14 @anonymous20 I'm another who doesn't handle login and register functions via wpforo - I use TML for both (mainly because phenomlab enforces 2FA Auth and also makes use of more social login capabilities than just Facebook).
I'm going to look into adding a bit more functionality and I'll post the results here .
I now have this working via Theme My Login at https://www.phenomlab.com/register. If you try and create an account without accepting the policy / agreement (needs rewording to reflect GDPR) then the registration process will fail. Once the register requirements are satisfied, you'll be forwarded onto a "Thank You" page that reminds you to activate your account from the email sent.
If anyone is using TML and wants a guide on how to implement this, let me know.
Some more reading from Invision standalone forum script:
Just found this - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-gdpr-compliance/ and it seems like a really good plugin. Evidently, wpdiscuz has created a hook for this plugin, so I'm wondering if wpForo can do the same.
@robert - any thoughts, or are you guys doing something aside specially for wpForo ?