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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Solved and closed

1 Posts
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Posts: 1
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On wpforo we want to show “solved” and closed” in the front of the forum list.

We have tried this code, but I will not show numbers on the forum:

<?php wpforo_phrase('Topics') ?>: <?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['topics']) ?> &nbsp;<span class="wpfcl-1">|</span>&nbsp; <?php wpforo_phrase('Solved'); ?>: <?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['solved']) ?> &nbsp;<span class="wpfcl-1">|</span>&nbsp; <?php wpforo_phrase('Closed'); ?>: <?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['closed']) ?>

Can anybody help us?