I am migrating a forum from a bit flexible platform, which gave me users in an Excel file, is there any way to export these users to wpforo?
DMolina |m/
Hi @dmolina,
The wpForo and WordPress users are the same. You just need to find the way to export user from excel to WordPress.
You should find it on internet:
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Thanks, I have already done it through a plugin, now my question is, is there a way to place the avatar and username somewhere?
I would like that when a user logs in, his name and profile picture will appear in the header.
So far I have achieved it but this loads me the information provided by Wordpress, is there any Wpforo code to get the profile information of the forum?
Hi @dmolina,
I'm sorry but there is no wpForo code for this. However there is an instruction how to export full users' data using your hosting cPanle > phpMyAdmin database manager from the users and profiles tables. Please see this documentation: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/gdpr/right-to-data-portability/
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