@robert OK, thanks my problem is solved thanks again
@robert Hello Modification made the forum works correctly but it generated another error on my topic is there a correspondence ?? Thank you ...
@sofy Hello again thank you for your answer the error was the number 2 I replace it as your example by% my problem is solved thanks again 👍 👍 👍
@sofy Another question how to add an icon to each forum example attached files thank you Capture-decran-2021-01-14-164518.png
@sofy Merci
Hello again thank you for your answer I deleted all the caches it's all good thank you Is there a forum for paid addons ?????
Ok suget résolue j'ai retrouvé ma clé sur mon compte merci tré bon forum
re bonjour j'ai trouvé la solution il fallait simplement lire sur le forum pour trouver la réponse merci