@dimalifragis Hello, you can't imagine how i appreciate your answer, a) should i not desinstall wp supercache ? b) here is a copy from advanc...
Thank's a lot.
@dimalifragis How to exclude WP SUPER CACHE IN WpForo, (or should desactivate Wpsupercache ?) (or exclude Ultimate member with the last backup? ...
Oh ! can you explain where is this page/frame ? i have cover all the parameters (wpforo) but don't find it.
@dimalifragis thanks a lot for your repply.
Joined 1-kaal-17-06.odt
The site is going quite well, he should be presented in 2 days. but: what can i do, 1-kaal-18-06.odt
MESSAGES ERRORS IN REINSTALLATION we have reinstall and activate Wpforo & wpdiscuz in https:/forumdd.ch 1-kaal.odt
Mais mis à part cela, forumdd.ch fonctionne ce vendredi 12 heures toujours bien...
Pour votre information a été attaqué par un Virus cette nuit. C'est la première fois qu'un virus malveillant entre dans le site. ( De toutes les fa...
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What is the permalien url from the articles ? or for the last article ? What is the path in the FTP ? Url ?