I managed to hide it, thank you very much! #mceu_25{display:none;}
What excellent news! Thanks!
We had this excellent contribution here below, this code could be improved and used as an addon plugin of wpforo:
I greatly respect the work of the wpforo team, but I'm led to disagree with them at this point: A sitemap.xml plugin is essential for any forum site, ...
Posted by: Anonymous20 While some may disagree, sitemaps are not needed anymore to any website. They are something of the past. The ONLY reason that y...
Posted by: eddr Hi all, for those who want a quick solution when using the Yoast SEO plugin sitemap, you can use this code Just require_once it Does ...
Posted by: Robert We've spent weeks of hard work to integrate wpForo with BuddyPress profile system, notification system and activity system. The UM a...
Initially an integration of only the avatar, would be enough.