The GDPR doesn't permit to block the user out of your service just because he doesn't accept tracking. You must give him access to the forum while s...
Thanks for the clarification
I don't use any Twitter plugins and this cookie only appears if I enable the Twitter sharing option in wpForo. Are you sure you have Twitter sharing e...
Being logged in on Twitter doesn't permit your website to let Twitter set cookies and track the user there.
These share icons are not GDPR-compliant tho because they create a connection to these platforms immediately and without user consent.
Thank you for your answer. So if I don't enable "Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL" I will only get the default WordPre...
If the plugin sets the cookie then I can't handle this from the outside. Also, why is there a connection to Twitter necessary if no button was clicked...
Any comments to that?
I am still wondering if this will have any side-effects? Or is it harmless? @sofy
You can do that with the attachments addon
Thank you. Can I empty these caches without any unwanted side-effects?
Sorry, it was already late when I wrote that. In the wpForo "Email" settings I can set the email texts for different situations. One of them is called...