Eminent Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 8
RE: Removing "Unread Posts" link from top of Forum

It worked perfect, but I'd like to remove the "Forums (RSS) | Topics (RSS)" links next to it too... is there a code you can give me for that?

6 years ago
RE: How can I set by default a font size and other aspect of the posts?

By the way... the "justify" code worked PERFECT. Thanks. Still looking for an adjustment for default size thing... ๐Ÿ˜›

6 years ago
RE: How can I set by default a font size and other aspect of the posts?

Hi. No, my forum still have a 12px fontsize by default and I want to increase that to 14x. Is there a way? Thanks in advance.

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1128
RE: Two doubts before buying extensions...

Hi. Well, this was "awaiting moderation" all day... the second question I solved it! But I have another one. How can I remove the space over the top/m...

6 years ago