Active Member
RE: Width of the forum... Nothing seems to work
Thank you Anton. Unfortunately, even though this theme is very ugly lol, I cannot change it, my board needs to approve any changes I do on the appeara...
8 years ago
RE: Width of the forum... Nothing seems to work
Thank you for the answer. I wish I knew how to do that though. I guess I will have to find a new plugin. :\
8 years ago
RE: Width of the forum... Nothing seems to work
This is my forum :/p> Thank you
8 years ago
RE: Width of the forum... Nothing seems to work
And here is a screenshot of the Member section... The width is way off. Capture-d’écran-2017-03-16-à-15.28.49.png
8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 2281