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Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Topic Shortcode redirecting question

I have found a way to do it.The function to edit is in the wpforo/classes/Actions.php file.Search for : public function post_add()and replace the whol...

2 years ago
RE: Topic Shortcode redirecting question

actually there is an easy way for it to work like this and all it will take is adding one or two lines of code to do it.When the reply form is sent, W...

2 years ago
RE: Topic Shortcode redirecting question

Thank you for the reply Robert. I appreciate the help. 😀 That's odd as embed topic shortcode also shows the user a reply box so you would think that t...

2 years ago
RE: Topic Shortcode redirecting question

Seems like I am the only one adding a topic to an external page 😪

2 years ago