Eminent Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 24
RE: Help in understanding error file

@robert Reply to the first, I had wanted it to stay in the front end where we have a log in already, it did do that at first but for some reason switc...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

IT resolved almost all issues, however we are stumped with one issue left. Our site is a membership site using BeTheme as a theme, Restrict Pro to hid...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis Thank you brother, I believe I need all the luck I can get....

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis Yes, thank you we are looking at that and moving to a different server as we have found many issues with our provider. Once we have mo...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis Ok sorry about that, that is actually what I needed to know. Its confusing as it comes up in issues in the tools section of wpForo...Hav...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

Todays errors...Need help! ) AND wp_posts.post_type IN ('post', 'page', 'attachment', 'portfolio', 'template', 'dlp_document') AND ((wp_posts.post...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis One more if I can ask. I need users when they log in to not be redirected to the admin area but it seems to do that. I have redirected l...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis Ya, that I know but for majority it works well, it is a non profit site that relies on information as a form of return for contributions...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

@dimalifragis Ok, thank you for the suggestion but we update daily, so what you are telling me is that I should set the cache at 24 hours? Without a c...

4 years ago
RE: Help in understanding error file

Thank you so much Robert. I have deleted that plug in and Jetpack. Would it be the cause of issues? My issue is that the site I run uses Restrict Cont...

4 years ago
Replies: 36
Views: 3209
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