Noble Member
Topics: 14 / Replies: 1332
RE: tags group

Hi @firefoxcz try #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfbr-b {…} = Admin #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfbr-5 {…} = Moderator

3 weeks ago
RE: Make forums / categories visible but not accessible?

Hi @nickpeters Dashboard > wpForo > Accesses > Read only Access (Guest) > Can view topic

3 weeks ago
RE: Is it possible to have a download bank?

Hi @maiza I think you need a download manager plugin, but you can take a look at the wpForo Advanced Attachments plugin.

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

Hi @udpride try #wpforo #wpforo-wrap a.wpf-new-button, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap span.wpf-new-button { background:#ff0000 !important; color:#ff...

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

@udpride Possibly a problem with another plugin, e.g. Cache Plugin or Cloudflare >> Create a new HTML field with this content <d...

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

@udpride The screenshot is from the profile and not from the >> wpForo - User Custom Fields addon.Please check the fields in the settings of ...

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

@udpride I have seen you are using wpForo - User Custom Fields, check if "Social Networks" is an html field

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

@udpride If you are using a cache plugin, you need to exclude wpForo from it. >> wpForo and Cache Plugins

3 weeks ago
RE: Colors and Profile issue

@udpride Just add it to custom cssDashboard > wpForo > Settings > Colors & Styles > Custom CSSand clear browser cache.

3 weeks ago
RE: Users can submit a post or topic without registering

Hi @pana Give us a link to your forum so we can check it

4 weeks ago
RE: How to separate forum categories

Hi @luke321 You can do this via boardsOne for community members and one for business members >>

4 weeks ago
Replies: 0
Views: 99
RE: Two notification bells

@berndg #wpforo #wpf-widget-profile .wpf-widget-alerts, #wpf-widget-profile .wpf-widget-alerts{color: #999999;} #wpforo #wpf-widget-profile .wpf-w...

4 weeks ago
RE: Prove your humanity math answer cannot edit answer field +

@gregpev 1. try this code #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #jetpack_protect_answer { padding: 0 0 0 5px!important; } add it to custom cssDashboard >...

1 month ago
RE: Force moderation for logged in users

@gar1 Logically, there are only 5 posts that need to be manually approved.

1 month ago
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