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[Closed] ExportingForum Posts from another install

1 Posts
2 Users
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I have cloned a website to my dev server and have done a successful migration of BBPress to wpForo. I've spent a few weeks customizing the new website, so the forums are now out of date on the new dev website. Can I export topics and replies from one installation (the active one) and then import them into the new dev website?

1 Answer

Hi @markpridham,

I'm sorry but not. You can move wpForo from one website to another if the target website is a clean WP installation. If the target website has many users you'll not be able to do that. IDs of all users must be the same to be attached to correct topics and posts. If the target WordPress users table contains users, then the ID's are already used and new users will be imported with new IDs. So I'd recommend migrate bbPress to wpForo on the end life website, or make the DEV website as Live.


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