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[Closed] Topics moved but where are the replys?

1 Posts
2 Users
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Hi guys, first off I'd like to say thanks for the plugin as it looks great and it's much better than bbpress.

I'm 70% through migrating a bbpress forum with over 100k posts but I'm slightly concerned as it only appears to be migrating the topics and not the reply's.  Have I done something wrong?

1 Answer

The Go2wpForo tool has already migrated thousands of WordPress plugins to wpForo. This is the first time I see see such problem report. I'm sure this is not the migration tool bug. Something is wrong wpForo installation or with the bbPress database.

First please make sure the replies are not migrated in database. Use phpMyAdmin Database manager of your Hosting Service cPanel and check the wp_wpforo_posts table. Let us know how many rows it contains and does it match to bbPress replies count?

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