Please don't confuse Username and Nickname.
Please be familiar with Users Nickname, Username and Display Name differences, read this FAQ topic:
Yes, they are the same right after the registration, because WordPress creates user Nickname based on Username, but you can change the nickname in My Profile > Account page:
Nicknames are used for user @mentioning and in your profile URL. So again, this is the nickname not username:
https:// hayguys0129/
Please read this post for more information:
In any case, if you still want to disable nicknames and don't allow people to @menation each other, you should put this code in WordPress active theme functions.php file:
function wpforo_disable_user_nicenames( $nicename ){
return '';
add_filter('wpforo_member_nicename', 'wpforo_disable_user_nicenames', 10);
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