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[Closed] On site notifications

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Alvin Patrimonio
Posts: 80
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi! I just stumbled upon wpForo and was wondering about 3 things.

1. are there on site notifications?

2. mentions with auto-complete?

3. is there a widget for topics with latest posts? it's different from the recent comments/topics widgets.

That's all for now. Thanks!


8 Replies
Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Alvin,

These questions are well collected, the answers of all questions are negative. I want to understand why you've chosen these tree question? They have no any relation to each other. Why they are so important for you?

wpForo has about a hundred of features, you found the three features and asked with some conditions which makes those answer negative. I think you know wpForo very well. What kind of forum you want to create, that these three features are so important?

My answers:

1. are there on site notifications?

There is not.

2. mentions with auto-complete?

There is not. You can mention users using the nickname disabled under each user avatar, but there is no autocomplete tool.

3. is there a widget for topics with latest posts? it's different from the recent comments/topics widgets.

There is not. However there is a page for topics with latest posts, example >>

Also wpForo has Recent Topics and Recent Posts widgets.

Alvin Patrimonio
Posts: 80
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Joined: 7 years ago

I'm asking them because bbpress has these features. The first two with Buddypress while the 3rd is with GD bbpress toolbox.

I guess I won't be moving then.

Thanks Robert!



Posts: 10587
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

Thank you Alvin,

The #1 and #3 features are already in our to-do list. We'll start working on them next month. But the #2 is not planned yet.

Alvin Patrimonio
Posts: 80
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Joined: 7 years ago

I am also using Xenforo in one of my sites and they have these 3 features as well. 

Will be monitoring your updates and hopefully can migrate soon. Have already transferred to Peepso from Buddypress and hope to do the same with wpForo. Have to agree with what others are saying that you have the best looking forum for Wordpress.

Thanks Robert!


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