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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Automate Email Notifications | Not just admins | When New Topic

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I noticed that there is the ability to send admins emails whenever there are is a new Topic / Post on the forum, and that I can go in and manually add emails separated by commas to join in on the notification party. However, that would mean in the long run I would have to always be sure to add someone's email every time they join. Therefore, is there a way to subscribe everyone automatically to the "Forum" so they get email notifications when a topic is created? Thank you!!!! 🤔 

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This option is only designed for admins. I don't assume you're getting new admins so often. This is a one time  manipulation. Please don't use this option for other users. I'm sorry but wpForo doesn't have automatic subscription options. This kind of options don't comply GDPR and they are not manageable.


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Thank you for replying, but the GDPR doesn't apply to me. I built this forum for internal purposes, not for the general public. Therefore, it will only be used for the companies staff who have to be notified when there is a new topic SO everyone on the forum needs to know and engage with what is going on. This is why it would be amazing to have a notification system that is automotive without supplying all thirty or so employees. Then when there is a change in staff... and so forth. You get my drift.  

Edited*** I came up with a simple solution. I will create a distribution email ( where I will add all the employee's emails. Then that distribution email will be the email that gets notified. Thus, giving the company what they want, which is all their staff notified and engaged with the 'internal' forum. 

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Posts: 3

lol I spelled automative as automotive!! That is funny!   🤣