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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Buddypress notification issue.

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There's an issue on Buddypress-Wpforo notification system. More in details, when user "A" publish a post in forum and somebody "B" reply it, "A" receive a notification in the right corner, something like:

“You have 1 new reply to Topic from User B”

This notification should be disappeared once "A" click that notification link and read the comment. However it does not disappear unless you manually click "mark as read".
Could you fix this issue?

Thank you.

Best regards,


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This is BuddyPress part, wpForo doesn't have any relation to that function. wpForo just sends new notification information to BuddyPress, all other processes and functions are being done by BuddyPress so please ask this question to BuddyPress as a general question not as wpForo specific issue and they'll help you.

Posts: 27
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Joined: 6 years ago

Buddypress used to have some bugs regarding notification issue, and there's a bug now too. However, from 2.9.4 ver(April 3, 2018), I've tested several buddypress version, only forum notification is not disappeared even I click that notification.

Here's a related thread regarding Buddypress notification issue :

There's no problem with buddypress notification on 2.9.4 and 3.0, however, wpforo has. I think custom code should be added on related file.

Thank you for your supports as always.