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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Can't access media permalink after attach the file because I'm using WPForo as main page.

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Can't access media permalink after attach the file because I'm using WPForo as main page.

Can't change media permalink because WordPress don't give me this option.
What may I do?

Thank you for help

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I think you don't use wpForo as main page. You use the option which turns WordPress to wpForo (Forums > Settings admin page). And as usual you've not read what this function does so you're getting such problems.

Please disable this option, this option turns off WordPress on front-end. Nothing will be available on front-end if you enable this. Only forum page will be available. This option is designed for website which only use wpForo, nothing else. if you want to set forum on home page you should use this instruction:


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Thank you very much!
You were quite clear in the answer.  👍 

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Now the issue is: I can't navigate... is the website

The attachment is working now.

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Because you've deleted wpForo page. As it's explained in documentation you should have two pages. Please don't delete the main wpForo page with /community/ slug. This page should stay intact. you should create another page with [wpforo] shortcode and use it for home page. there should be two forum pages. Please read the doc again, step by step.

Also try to deactivate/activate wpForo. It'll create the delete page.


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Also please edit the forum page, make sure it has all necessary theme specific settings in Edit Page screen and save it. The forum is loaded in crashed layout. Something is not correct with this page.

Why you set this? This looks terrible. Forum should be wrapped in website page wrapper:

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Posted by: Robert

Also please edit the forum page, make sure it has all necessary theme specific settings in Edit Page screen and save it. The forum is loaded in crashed layout. Something is not correct with this page.

Why you set this? This looks terrible. Forum should be wrapped in website page wrapper:

I know a lot about design, I'm doing tests. Thank you for feedback but I am trying to solve problems related to the operation and not the design.
Obviously it's not the final version and the Website is not being acessed by people now in the begin.

I uninstalled(I even deleted) and installed again the plugin to see if the page community was returned but it did not happen. Any more tips? Maybe send the default file through FTP?

I am very grateful for the help so far and understand that it is more difficult to help me without having access to the administration page. If you have any more tips I will be grateful!

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