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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Can't access media permalink after attach the file because I'm using WPForo as main page.

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As far as I see the problem is fixed.

I just noticed you use simple-google-recaptcha. Could you please disable this plugin and use wpForo built in reCAPTCHA. This one doesn't look good on Reg and Login forms of wpForo, also it'll not work well. wpForo reCAPTCHA can be enabled in Dashboard > Forums > tolls admin page.


Please make sure other reCAPTCHA plugins are disabled before enabling wpForo reCAPTCHA.

Make sure all options are enabled when you activate it first time.


Posts: 7
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posted by: Robert

As far as I see the problem is fixed.

I just noticed you use simple-google-recaptcha. Could you please disable this plugin and use wpForo built in reCAPTCHA. This one doesn't look good on Reg and Login forms of wpForo, also it'll not work well. wpForo reCAPTCHA can be enabled in Dashboard > Forums > tolls admin page.


Please make sure other reCAPTCHA plugins are disabled before enabling wpForo reCAPTCHA.

Make sure all options are enabled when you activate it first time.


The forum you are accessing now is the new one because I had to reinstall the plugin.

Thanks for the suggestion I'm going to leave without this plugin enabled, however I have a question that made me install the additional reCaptcha plugin.

The reason I installed the plugin was because I put the registration to be finalized by the link of the email, but when I accessed the link appeared the login screen of Wordpress without reCaptcha.
I configured both places, plugin and wpForo, with same application ID and worked without problems.
I will disable reCaptcha before re-enabling now that I have reinstalled wpForo.

I'm trying, it does not have much problem to make mistakes now because I would like things to work before the forum has many hits.

If I manually add a page to the community page and insert the content it needs to work? I ask this because it is not adding automatically even without pages in Wordpress.

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Posts: 7

Now is working correctly.
Thank you very much! Now I'll do step by step the things about reCaptcha.
I lost the whole structure of the forum.
I made a copy of the wpforo folder that is inside the wp-content plugins folder.
If you upload a file will the structure come back?

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