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Can't get beyond forum page

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Just installed this to try it out for a client and set up some test forums and categories however I can't navigate past the initial forum page.

Whenever I click on a link to view either a category or post I am redirected back to the main forum page (though if I click on a post it is marked as "1 reading" from that main forum page)

I adjusted the slug from "community" to "forums" initially and cleared the server cache and also excluded the forum pages from being cached by Siteground, still can't access the pages however. Any ideas how to fix?

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Hi @arcaswebdesign 

Posted by: @arcaswebdesign

I adjusted the slug from "community" to "forums"

Read this Documentation >> Change Forum Page


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Thanks Tutrix but had already done that, that was how I'd adjusted the slug in the first place.

Upon further investigation the issue actually looks to be down to Permalink Manager Pro as mentioned on this other thread

The issue is with the canonical redirection option and I've confirmed that when I disable this then the issue goes away, however this might impact other areas of the site so might not be safe to leave disabled. I'm not sure why it would redirect anyway as the forum post page has its own canonical.  Will check with the PMP developer.

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Have you tested a code snippet like this (functions.php Wordpress Theme)?

function pm_stop_redirect_forum() {
global $wp_query;
$wp_query->query_vars['do_not_redirect'] = 1;
add_action('wpforo_prepare', 'pm_stop_redirect_forum');
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No but I could give this a go. I've also contacted the developer of PMP to see what he says.

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Just to let you know, @tutrix , I tried that snippet but it didn't seem to make any difference. Will wait to hear back from the PMP developer.

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