Hi folks. Great plugin.
The WPForo registration page by default includes fields 'first name', 'last name' and 'Display name publicly as'. They don't appear to be very well aligned, but in any event I don't really require them. I just require the username and password.
Is there any way to change this?
I've tried setting 'Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL' to 'No', cleared the WPForo cache but nothing changes?
I've also tried adding Register.php to [child-theme]\wpforo\layouts\3 but that didn't seem to take effect.
wpForo doesn't handle registrations, it only provides a form for it. Wordpress does all the rest.
BUT stock Wordpress doesn't have any First and Last name.
Are we talking about the New Registration Form ? If so yes, username and email address.
Those extra fields are added from something else (a plugin) and wpForo just "replicate" them.
Sorted now thanks. For anybody interested, it was the WP Spam Shield plugin that added the additional login fields. Selecting the 'Disable Registration Spam Shield' option resolved this issue. Still though, the formatting of those 'additional' fields could be better in the WPForo plugin. Thanks for your help.