I'm having trouble making a full width page on my site for the forum page.
I have to use elementor, just to get the full page for the forum, as my them doesn't have a full width template.Β
Does anyone haveΒ asimular issue, and can help me fix this problem so i can get rid of elementor please?
Your theme (Envo Magazine?) seems to work fine full width for me. Isn't that your theme?
it is my theme, but it doesn't have a full width template, I had to down load elemento for that. I emailed Envo magazine and they say they don't do a full width page template
I tried to build my own but it was never working right so I need to think of another way. Just looking for suggestionsΒ
Well that can't happen i guess. Same theme i got from Wordpress org, and works nice in full width and everything.
Time to look for a new theme i think π cheers for your help MassimoΒ