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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Getting 401 error again and again

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One of my user is getting 401 unauthorized error again and again since morning. Till yesterday it was working fine.Β 

Can you tell me what can be the reason of this?


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Posted by: abhitohunts

One of my user is getting 401 unauthorized error again and again since morning. Till yesterday it was working fine.Β 

Can you tell me what can be the reason of this?

@abhitohunts I agree with @Anonymous20 that plugins could do that. (Happened to me before too).

Have you checked your "error logs"? You can see this via FTP in your public_html folder, in a text file. Usually the specific plugins causing those errors show up there, so from the error log, knowing which plugin is causing the errors, you can either disable them or remove them.

You might also want to call your webhosting company because sometimes they can also help with error logs. Several months ago, I had issues with wpForo "date conventions" and then I looked at my error logs, it was a "php versioning" issue that I asked my webhost to upgrade my php version. You may want to check that too, and compare it with the php version of wpForo. It could also be that. After I got my php version upgraded on the webhosting server side, wpForo worked smoothly.

Good luck and God bless you. πŸ™‚

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Many reasons for that ... Are you using Cloudflare ?

Also plugins could do that, like caching or security.

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@anonymous20 Yes, I use cloudflare..


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ThanksΒ @crisw for your kind words.

I am using All in one wp security plugin ,Β I realized that many of the issues are caused by it. I made some modifications in the setting and all the issues are resolved now. This security plugin is so good at its functionality that it blocked me even to login to my admin panel πŸ˜€ . Somehow I managed to get back to my admin panel. But I think the plugin has to be used wisely.Β 



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Posted by: abhitohunts

ThanksΒ @crisw for your kind words.

I am using All in one wp security plugin ,Β I realized that many of the issues are caused by it. I made some modifications in the setting and all the issues are resolved now. This security plugin is so good at its functionality that it blocked me even to login to my admin panel πŸ˜€ . Somehow I managed to get back to my admin panel. But I think the plugin has to be used wisely.Β 



Good to know that everything is ok now.

For security i use The Shield for 3 years now and maybe you coudl try it.

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@abhitohunts, you are welcome.Β  πŸ™‚Β  (And I also, still. keep on getting locked out of my own wp-admin page as well, but since I know which specific plugin causes that - I log in via FTP, "temporarily change" the "problematic-but-useful-plugin-name" toΒ  "problematic-but-useful-plugin-name- TEMP", then refresh page, log in page, and I am able to log in again.Β  When done, I change it back to the original plugin name, my quick tip that always works for me).Β  Good luck on your forum!Β  πŸ™‚Β  Β  Β  Β