Having a weird issue, where members are not able to see other user's information on their profile (About Me, etc.) unless I turn on "Dashboard - Can edit member" for that usergroup.
For example, I as an admin, go to a member's profile and cannot see the extra information on their profile (About Me, timezone, etc.) unless I turn on the "Can edit member" for the Member usergroup, even though everything is already turned on for Admin usergroup.
A member can look at an Admin user profile and see their About me and other information, but cannot see the same for other members.
I've attached an image for the Member usergroup. Everything is turned on correctly, but it seems only if "Dashboard - Can edit member" is turned on (which I would never do for real) can members see other's member's information.
Any help to fix this issue is appreciated.
Hi @zuroma999 ,
To prevent spam accounts and the inclusion of spam descriptions or links, we have implemented functionality for this purpose. Users will have their account information displayed only when they have one or more approved posts in the wpForo forum.
If you wish to disable this restriction, you can achieve it by adding the following code snippet and deactivating this feature.
add_filter( 'wpforo_profile_field_displaying_restriction', '__return_false' );