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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] mail of reset password not recived

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Posts: 12
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Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Good evening, I installed your forum on my site and it happens to me that every now and then some user who is registering tells me that he has not received the email for the password reset procedure. Is it possible to force the sending of a new email ?? or how to proceed.
thank you

3 Replies
Posts: 1602
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Users, Registrations, Logins and Emails are ALL handled by Wordpress core. wpForo just provides a kind of "form" for them.

So, not a wpForo problem or something related to wpForo.


Posts: 12
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Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply.
but to overcome this, I manually set a password on the user profile and communicate it via email.
In this way the user can access and then change the password with one of his choice.
However, the user remains in the state of INACTIVE (which is changed to ACTIVE only after the normal Reset of the psw which in this case does not take place).
The question then is: can I manually force the ACTIVE state for the user ??
thanks again for your patience

Posts: 1602
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Instead of hiding or ignore your email problems, you better find them and solve them. Because forums send a lot of email out, and with such problems you will not go far.

There are some really excellent smtp (out) Wordpress plugins that will help you debug this.

I wish i could help more, still this may be a hosting, spam, or whatever problem.