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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Migration from smf - 3 Functions needed

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Hi there,

i'm willing to migrate from smf. Today, the Website is based on pragmaMX and smf. A nice integration of smf in the main System. Since smf 2.x cannot be integrated I have to move completly and I choose WordPress. Reason therefore is to handle >1.000 articles and a Forum with >30.000 Topics and nearly 400.000 anwers.

One main function is to "split" (seperate) one or more answer(s) in a topic. It's often needed, 'cause the user are not so much disciplined to answer topic-related. Otherwise it's needed to combine some topics to one existing topic.

Nice in smf is to delete a topc or answer and automatically move it to an assigned order (i.e. "Virtual trashbin"). 

Am I right, that wpforo doesn't has the discribed three functions?


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Hi @deepthought,

One main function is to "split" (seperate) one or more answer(s) in a topic. It's often needed, 'cause the user are not so much disciplined to answer topic-related. Otherwise it's needed to combine some topics to one existing topic.

The function exists started from wpForo 1.4.6 version. Please read this topic. Here you'll find more details info:

Nice in smf is to delete a topc or answer and automatically move it to an assigned order (i.e. "Virtual trashbin"). 

In wpForo you can use the moderation feature for such cases. I.e. set topic/post as unapproved. I this case only high-level users will be able to view this topic/post.