My site has no WP theme. It runs without any. Now, if I would like to follow these instructions, how should I do it? Where inside WordPress should I place the customized design? The wpForo instruction says -> For example, copy the certain or all files of /classic/ folder into a folder within your current active WordPress theme named /wpforo/, keeping the same file structure.
Thanks for some help here.
Hi @coder
I have made a lot of changes and integrations in my forum, so I have copied and renamed the 2022 theme folder and entered my theme name etc. in the style.css at the top.
Upload these folders to the theme folder of wpForo and then activate your own wpForo theme
Now you can change as much as you want 😉
You have to re-upload your theme with every wpForo update.
You must also check whether changes have been made to the 2022 theme during a wpForo update. (new functions, addon integrations, bug fixes etc.)
This solution therefore requires a lot of work 😀
Thanks Tutrix. I was afraid that is the way to go. Must think whether we really want to go through with it. Need to talk to the team.
PS: Ihr habt ein herrlich buntes Forum
Yes, thanks, I have started that. PS: Finde deine deutsche Seite irre bunt und lebhaft. Da will ich mir was abschauen. Frage: Which Cookie consent plugin are you using?