Hi Robert!
Could you please review a queries in admin? I very often work in admin area and found that on each loaded page wpForo generates 50 queries. Is it possible to make wpForo relevant queries only on pages which are needed for wpForo?
Thank you.
Hi antonM
Ok, we'll check this.
Using Query Monitor, I also notice at least a dozen queries from WPforo regardless of the page I'm on - in the actual forum I'm getting over 500 queries from WPforo on a single page.
Thank you for letting us know VeganOstomy
At the moment wpForo has about 10 queries in non-forum pages and posts (w/o addons). Please don't forget that on other posts and pages maybe loaded wpForo widgets so some of queries need to be performed before loading them. It's not always possible to check widgets existence before executing general queries.
There are also online user status updater queries and cache queries. However we can do lots of optimization here too. This is already in our to-do list.