The forum works perfectly fine when myself or any user is logged in: It displays all categories and posts, and correctly lists that there are four forums
However when logged out / a guest, the only thing visible on the page is the default Main Category/Main Forum that shows up when the plugin is first installed.
Why, when not logged in, does the plugin only display the example forum instead of the forum I have set up and which works for registered users?
This is the page:
The forum requires no email confirmation, you can just make up an account and log in/log out to see what I mean.I am very confused since logged in or out defiinitely shows the /community/ page, and I have made every user group (including no access) able to view the forums.
Thank you so much, I'd really like to use this plugin to develop a forum but I need guests to be able to see what has been posted
Please read this documentation page.
and set right "Forum Permissions"
Thanks for the quick reply
I have created the forums. Attached is a screenshot of what my "Forums" dashboard page looks like
Permissions have been set so that ALL user groups can view forums
When logged in, forums display. See:
When logged out, it looks like this:
Which is puzzling, because "Main Category" and "Main Forum" are no longer even present in my dashboard forum setup. Anyone who is not logged in is being shown the example forum instead of the forum I edited it into.
I have also checked everything on this page: - Everything seems to be correct.
If you create an account, log in and log out you will see exactly what I mean.
Resolved: Cache cleared across website. I only noticed when other changes went unpublished
Anyone arriving from google: Clear your entire website cache, browser cache, forum cache, all of it and see if that works for you.