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[Closed] Renaming "add topic" button on my forum

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I want to rename the "add topic" button to "write a review". Can you help me with how to do it? Also, I want to remove this feather icon from this add topic button with a pencil icon.

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Hi @fani

Posted by: @fani

rename the "add topic" button to "write a review".

>> Quick Translation – Phrases
search for "add topic" and translate with "write a review"

Posted by: @fani

remove this feather icon from this add topic button with a pencil icon.

add this to custom css

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-head-bar-right .fa-feather-alt::before {content: "\f303" !important;}

 Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Colors & Styles > Custom CSS

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@tutrix thanks, this helped me out as well! 🙏

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I do not see any Translation option to rename add topic to write a review.

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#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-head-bar-right .fa-feather-alt::before {content: "\f303" !important;}

When I add this CSS, I do not see the pencil icon. Instead, I see this.

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provide a link to your forum


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@tutrix Any update related to my query?

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