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[Closed] Show number of subforum topics and main forum together

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Hi guys, I hope you know what i mean here..... but where it says "Topics" on the front page of the forum, it refers to the amount of topics just in that one forums section. How can I change that number to show not only how many topics are in that forum section, but all of the sub forums too? 

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Posts: 1187
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Any idea? 

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Hi @percysgrowroom ,

I will provide that information to our developers' team for consideration.

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@blackraz Thanks, @tutrix, do you know how to do this mate?

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Posted by: @percysgrowroom

@tutrix, do you know how to do this mate?

I don't have any subforums, so I can't test it.
But I use these 3 codes to show all topics and posts in a category.

<?php $counts = wpforo_forum($cat['forumid'], 'counts'); ?>
<?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['topics']) ?>
<?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['posts']) ?>

Inserted in the forum.php (layout) like this

<div class="wpf-cat-count"><?php $counts = wpforo_forum($cat['forumid'], 'counts'); ?><span class="wpf-topic-count" wpf-tooltip="<?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['topics']) ?> Themen in '<?php echo esc_html($cat['title']); ?>'" wpf-tooltip-position="top" wpf-tooltip-size="medium"><i class="fas fa-layer-group"></i><?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['topics']) ?></span> <span class="wpf-post-count" wpf-tooltip="<?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['posts']) ?> Beitr&auml;ge in '<?php echo esc_html($cat['title']); ?>'" wpf-tooltip-position="top" wpf-tooltip-size="medium"><i class="fas fa-list"></i><?php echo wpforo_print_number($counts['posts']) ?></span></div>


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Posts: 1187

@tutrix Thanks mate ill give it a shot later and see how it goes : )


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Posts: 1187

@tutrix This seems difficult man and im scared to try it lol.