I don't know how this happened, but I have two URLs associated with the forum and certain functions are broken because of it.
I noticed when I tried a search, and it went to the second URL which DOES exist but actually shows a 404.
My forum is at domain.com/discuss but when someone searches or tries to register an account, it goes to domain.com/discuss-2. Both Pages exist in my admin area, and they both have [wpforo] as their only content, but when I delete discuss-2, the whole forum goes away.
Please advise!
Try this:
1. Delete domain.com/discuss, make sure it deleted in Trashed section too.
2. Edit domain.com/discuss-2 and change slug to discuss and save it
3. Navigate to Forums > Settings admin page and make sure the forum base URL is set /discuss/ then save on Update Options button.
4. Delete all caches and test it again.
Thanks. I did exactly as described, but now Search simply refreshes the page instead of showing results.
And register & login still link to domain.com/discuss-2
Any ideas?
Delete website cache , then go to Appearance > Menus administration page, select wpForo Navigation in drop-down, open it and click on save button. Then go to Forums > Dashboard admin page and click on [Delete all caches] button.
All issues come from website cache plugins. Make sure it's reset.