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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Which php file handles the wpf-head-bar area?

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I can't really believe that I have to ask this (shame), but in which php file is the w*f-head-bar part handled? I am trying to move the search icon and the breadcrumbs lower (see attachment). 

The header.php, where the code is now, seems to end before the wp-head-bar area.

The forum.php seems to start after the "Subscribe for new topics" line. 

Where is the in between handled? In a separate file? 


Sorry for the seemingly simple question....

Best, Arved

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try this CSS Code

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-subtop, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-search .wpf-search-form {
position: relative;
top: 200px;

Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style Tab > Custom CSS Code


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Hi Tutrix, thank you for the fast idea! In general this works, but it seems to be not a responsive. When moving it with an amount px or em the breadcrumbs and search start floating into the forum etc on the mobile and other devices. Otherwise, I have to admit, it was a very beautiful solution 🙂

That's why I had thought to hard code it to the "right" place. Or can it be placed there somehow relative with css to also work responsive?

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"wpf-head-bar" begins at line 27 (wpf-themes > classic > forum.php)


<div class="wpf-head-bar">
<div class="wpf-head-bar-left">
<h1 id="wpforo-title"><?php echo esc_html($forum['title']) ?></h1>
<?php if( $forum['description'] ): ?>
<div id="wpforo-description"><?php echo $forum['description'] ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="wpf-action-link">
<?php WPF()->tpl->forum_subscribe_link() ?>
<?php if( wpforo_feature('rss-feed') ): ?>
<span class="wpf-feed">|
<a href="<?php wpforo_feed_rss2_url() ?>" title="<?php wpforo_phrase('Forum RSS Feed') ?>" target="_blank">
<span style="text-transform: uppercase;">
<?php wpforo_phrase('RSS') ?>
<i class="fas fa-rss wpfsx"></i>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="wpf-clear"></div>
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@tutrix   Thousand Thanks!!