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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] wpforo not working + visual editor

17 Posts
3 Users
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Posts: 70
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Joined: 8 years ago

From the Support provider:

"Dobrý den,

zřejmě Vám v databázi chybí tabulky, konkrétně tabulka "_wpwpforo_topics", která má v sobě mít uložené příspěvky.

[29-Jul-2016 08:16:59 UTC] Chyba databáze WordPressu: Table 'evolve1469451542._wpwpforo_topics' doesn't exist. Konkrétní dotaz: SELECT * FROM `_wpwpforo_topics` ORDER BY modified DESC LIMIT 1.

Vidím zde i chybu při vytváření tabulek

[29-Jul-2016 07:44:42 UTC] Chyba databáze WordPressu: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB'. Konkrétní dotaz: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `_wpwpforo_topics`

Zkuste wordpress s wpforo nainstalovat na InnoDB Engine nebo nějak zvolit aby se vybral engine MyISAM"


You can use google translator, but in case it's looks like wrong writing tables to databse and something with InnoDB (I have myISAM). So i delete the foro tables and import tables from mu website to my evolve and wohoo still working! 😉

Thanks for a help.

Posts: 70
Topic starter
Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago

PS: Need to fix some things in database, 92 users i have on mu page i still import this number to evolve page same as posts/forum number.

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