Oct 27, 2022 9:58 pm
Hi. We are considering adding the wpForo plug-in to our exisiting WP website. We currently have the following Plugins activated and I am wondering if you can let us know if the functions for these will still work once we enable wpForo?
- Akismet Anti-Spam
- Crowdsignal Forms
- Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings
- Gutenberg
- Jetpack
- Layout Grid
- Page Optimize
- Simple Membership After Login Redirection
- Simple WordPress Membership
- WordPress.com Editing Toolkit
Thank you.
2 Replies
Oct 28, 2022 8:28 am
Hi @raje,
Not familiar to all the plugins, but wpForo should not conflict with them. However, the best way to be sure that you want to have any problems with installing wpForo while using those plugins is to create a test website with those plugins and install wpForo.
Oct 29, 2022 12:16 am
Hi Chris
Thank you. We appreciate your quick response. We will give the test site a go.
Best regards,