Famed Member
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3179
RE: Why I have no access to antispam tab. I check it manually but I did not found antispam tab in tools.

Hi @khan-khan, Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Spam Protection page, that's where are wpForo antispam options.

1 year ago
RE: Topic issue

Hi @kitatech, Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Usergroups edit the Usergroup of the user which could publish topic/post without approval and c...

1 year ago
RE: Latest post button not working

@timmeehh, Could you do some test and find out when it usually happens? This is something strange and to test and troubleshoot it we need to make it...

1 year ago
RE: Latest post button not working

@timmeehh, Do you have any cache plugin? Testing the URL I don't face the issues that you have, pressing on next page from 37, I go to 38 with no ...

1 year ago
RE: How to redirect users profiles links to my own users profiles pages ?

@habbodreams, please enable wpForoSupport Account.

1 year ago
RE: Using wpForo shortcodes / User Custom Fields in email notification

@mhit, Admins cannot activate/approve user account through the new registered email. wpForo doesn't have such email shortcode, which would affect ...

1 year ago
RE: How to active a member from Front End or by email link?

Hi @mhit, only from Dashboard > Members Page, Unapproved users won't be visible in Front-End Members page.

1 year ago
RE: Latest post button not working

Hi @timmeehh, Please provide URL of that topic, so we could check.

1 year ago
RE: how to simply embed mp4 files in a responsive way

Hi @gilbau, please provide screenshot of the problem.

1 year ago
RE: Migration from >

Hi @intellicoach, Forum migration is a large project. We’re sorry, but we cannot support with migration. This kind of large work is out of our suppo...

1 year ago
RE: Translation and updates

Hi @efzor, We hadn't lost any file from language folder after updating wpForo to 2.1.9 version. Try disabling and reactivating Loco translate plug...

1 year ago
RE: Translate "More Discussion" for wpForo - Blog Cross Posting on article

Hi @jan-stm, 1. Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Overview, Press Rebuild Phrases Button. 2. Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Phrases, ...

1 year ago
RE: How to redirect users profiles links to my own users profiles pages ?

@habbodreams, Please try the (above code)old code, and then provide more info about what doesn't work. Screenshot with the issue would be good.

1 year ago
RE: Likes acting weird

@danniee, The old one is buggy and out of support. We are working only on the 2022 one. And we don't recommend using Classic theme.

1 year ago
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