@tutrix Hi! can i get an update on this bug?i believe my settings are right and this should be a bug. Can you check and confirm?
Can you see from my previous screenshot that i have already removed the ”can add topic” from standard access. why do i have to remove registered us...
i want the users to have standard access, just without the “add topic” access. I have removed the “ add topic” access from standard access. isn'...
@tutrix are you referring to this?
my registered user can still see "add topic" button (which i want to disable) Screenshot-2021-12-30-at-1.05.33-PM.png
my registered user only has "standard access" Screenshot-2021-12-30-at-1.04.39-PM.png
my standard access setting "unchecked" can create topic Screenshot-2021-12-30-at-1.04.12-PM.png
Hello Tutrix, Yes i believed i have done the settingUnder Forum Access, i disabled registered user to "Can Add Topic" <-- UNCHECKEDUnder User...
Hi! What do i need to set over at usergroups and permission? Attached my current setting 9A4FCEA0-06C9-44AC-AAEA-535AC7584BC3.png
Hi! Thank you for your reply. I have removed (unchecked) Dashboard - Can edit member. However, users with standard access still can edit their own pro...