@optiontendies, I have used the Chrome inspector to locate each section (CSS tag) I wanted to change. It takes a bit of time but that's the only ...
@robert Thanks anyway my friends 👍
@alvina, Thanks, but this is not what I was looking for. if a visitor clicks on an attachment, a notification window pops-pup on the top-rig...
@vinjnr007 Thanks 👍 You can copy the css using the Chrome inspector.
@alvina I only need this... 2020-06-06_153648.png
@alvina Of course here you go: login.png
@alvina, Unfortunately, those shortcodes are giving me the whole forum page with the Login and Register and I just need the Login and Register forms...
@alvina, Sorry, I don't think I explained myself well enough. I want to create a login popup and for that, I need a shortcode only for the login a...
@sofy, I have a Poll that I wanted to add under every forum.
@tutrix, It worked, thank a lot 👍
@t-niron CSS, you can use the Chrome inspector to locate it.