In the test site the problem was from jreviews, we edited one file with the help of jreviews support and it was fixed. In the live site the problem ...
The links become 45000
Even the main forum link google is not seeing it in the sitemap the sitemap is correct from what i see
i will check with my programmer and i will rerurn. Thank you
Most addons are removed and still topic has link instead of name
I created duplication of my site , what else you need?
@robert SORRY I FORGOT now i remeber i will create asap
Can you please let me know when update is ready?
thank you i will wait for it
@robert WHERE can i filter the results from ? As it is is not usefull because there are no categories Most important are PMs, if they can be sepa...
How can i have notifications for PMs? Do i have to open a new ticket?
BTW, notifications are not visible
Marti is there a way to have separate notifications for PMs ? The bell has too many useless info, if i have 100 notifications i will not look at the...