Dude, I spend three days now explaining my issue, and it has nothing to do with my website. It's your software that is the issue, as always when there...
Yes, because it's been days without this issue being solves and you keep changing people and suddenly I am asked the most basic questions and have to ...
Is it possible to convert from wpforo to bbpress or should I just start from scratch?
Doesnt matter what widget, I add the widget in the wpforo widget area and I get these weird issues. I give up. Cant be arsed tbh. So many problems all...
Changed to new theme and widget is still not visisble. This is just getting more confusing.
I can't even get it back now when I remove that code. What the heck. Even cleared cache.
Hi, yes. I'm not really a fan of the 2022 theme. When I add that code, the widget disappears in the category view on desktop as well.
Hi again. So I just tried it on my laptop again and it doesn't show when I visit my website on my laptop. The widget shows on my desktop. Super weird....
It's entirely possible it does not appear on my laptop. Could it have anything to do with screen width?
Hm, wait. Now for some reason it appears again. Just happened randomly.
Ok. It doesn't work. Nothing happens. The widget just doesn't appear in the forum
That is exactly how it's been all the time. But after I cleared cache to test the setting suggest here, the widget disappeared from all views but the ...
Hi, I use simplified layout so I dont think that option is available? Also, I noticed two new problems. When I now deleted cache, I saw that the sid...
@robert I use the Redis Object cache plugin and simply went to the plugin and hit "Flush cache". Redis cache is easily forgotten as it just sits there...