About Me
I am an old guy that turned my first computer on in 1988. My parents owned a tavern in upstate NY (USA) during the 60's and 70's. So I literraly grew up in a very small town tavern. I literally viewed, experienced, and lived just about everything in that era. What a story!
Building a forum in today's world is an amazing experience! So please be patient with me if I do not get it. This site is amazing to me, and I thank all people who answer my questions. You are all awesome!
I built a succesful forum in 2006 that recieved quite a bit of attention. We even had three local news outlets that did stories on our mission.
I am now very sick with a rare terminal cancer that has tried to take me out for the last 5 years. I am a big supporter and believer in the Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I made this decision as a young man. Best thing that ever hapened to me. I believe in truth, the youth, and human Mankind, I truly Love all people.
I believe in keeping it simple, Telling the truth, and making a difference.
The truth will set you free!
No Activity = Nothing
Do the most you can do on a daily basis, and it will be Okay.
Learn more about me