I think I found the issue. It was not a conflict plugin issue. I tested with ordinary admin account made by e-mail or direct from admin site, it worke...
The site language should be in Korean, but not admin, so, i can use ko-kr.po file at front-end pages. I wish your admin language follows admin languag...
And the install was successful and worked fine, but I had installation error message "Installation failed: Could not copy file. /opt/bitnami/apps/word...
Okay. I will try again to find out the conflict plugin one by one. How can I change the language for your plugin's admin? My admin language is English...
I can not see the Forums menu at all with my admin. I deactivated all plugins and theme back to twenty seventeen.And, I reset the User Permission syst...
I tried three times and it still didn't work.
The dropdown list is empty. I've attached the screenshot. Screenshot-2017-12-13-22.39.36.png