Active Member
RE: Issue with menu wpforo
Does this mean that wpForo doesn't support mobile menus out of the box? I doubt any of these menu plugins will help in these scenario based on how...
4 years ago
RE: Issue with menu wpforo
Any ideas how to deal with this?
4 years ago
RE: Issue with menu wpforo
Hi, that's helped with the menu appearing, but the reload that happens when you click on the menu items means that you don't get much time to select o...
4 years ago
RE: Issue with menu wpforo
Hi, as you haven't replied, I'll post it here, but I need to know asap once you've had a look so I can disable it as it's a members only site: URL: ...
4 years ago
RE: Issue with menu wpforo
Hi, I need to sent you a username and password. Can I email over one?
4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 958