Dan Lee
Trusted Member
Topics: 13 / Replies: 49
RE: Can users self select dark mode

@chris thanks for letting me know.

4 years ago
RE: Highlight text colour

I just dont understand why ALL the text doesnt copy in the same colour. I dont know CSS so Ill have to pay someone I guess.

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 833
RE: Highlight text colour

Seems to be when highlighting a link it turns dark - can I have some CSS to make that not happen ?!

4 years ago
RE: Highlight text colour

Hi @chris that worked to an extent but still getting a few sections which do not highlight well./

4 years ago
RE: How can I make the forum go full width on mobile

Hi. I figured it out before you responded. I adjusted the CSS and worked out fine. Took me a while

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 2251
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

@robert Hi Robert - I figured it out and its all working now - thanks for your help

4 years ago
RE: Adding text to blocked forums

@robert great. I could use that feature. Thank you.

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1160
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

I have added the registration page to be the wpforo one but it keeps taking me back to the home page - I really need help

4 years ago
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

@robert @martin these are already active in the current set up.  Settings-‹-From-The-New-Lane-—-WordPress.png

4 years ago
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

Also my board is onand not community is that a problem?

4 years ago
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

@martin HI Martin. When users click the login button which page should I direct them to? @robert

4 years ago
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