Estimable Member
Topics: 35 / Replies: 77
RE: problem index foro

Sorry, I uploaded the wrong photo 🤣 the code is fine, thanks.

5 years ago
RE: problem index foro

Hello, from rank math they give me these indications in case they serve you: "Hello, We have taken a closer look at this and it appears that the W...

5 years ago
RE: problem index foro

Thanks, I've already added the code to functions.php So should I disable the RankMath plugin? As for google indexing if I think there is a prob...

5 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 2203
RE: forum edges problem

Thank you thank you thank you! It works perfectly. Greetings from Spain, I walk with a little cough, I hope it is not the damn virus.Take care of yo...

5 years ago
RE: error when I write a lot

@sofy wow thanks!!! 😉 😉   

5 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 698
RE: error when I write a lot

Thank you, you have already allowed access to the file. How can I check that it already works well? Thank you.

5 years ago
RE: error when I write a lot

So according to what I have read, Access to admin-ajax.php is blocked and I have to see how to unlock it?

5 years ago
RE: I think it's decent

How to get the photo so that by clicking on it it looks bigger?

5 years ago
RE: I think it's decent

Thanks, but I don't understand why the forum looks blank to you. It looks like this to me:  Captura-de-pantalla-2020-03-15-a-las-11.39.35.p...

5 years ago
RE: error when I write a lot PASWORD 5555 THANKS!!

5 years ago
RE: error when I write a lot

What it tells you is that the password is wrong has the confirmation email arrived to put the password?East type:Username: josespacmanTo configu...

5 years ago
RE: error when I write a lot

for example this:the case is that I don't remember the error it gave, but it was a blank page with a phrase saying something like an error has occurre...

5 years ago
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