Yes resolved!Pasting directly the web address of the image looks perfect on the mobile.Thank you!
I take the Amazon image with the mouse and drag it to the forum.The code gives me an error. The image appears smaller but is not centered and remains ...
Thank you!I'll try.But if you do not know I'm afraid that I will not find the solution.
perfect! it works now.But now I get this bar:How can I remove that?
I have tried adding this:embed (src width height name pluginspage type wmode allowFullScreen allowScriptAccess flashVars), src (iframe), iframe src, s...
I do not know what I have to add here:In Dashboard> Forums> Tools> "Allow extra HTML tags" textarea you should add iframe tag name with its a...
Do not add the name of the iframe tag with its attributes.If you were so kind to tell me how.
Thank you!Spam I think I can control it with Google reCAPTCHA.I'm worried about viruses, if I accept <iframe> can they get viruses in the forum?
Here in your forum I have tried it and it does the same to me.
Thanks Sofy, I've already read that the forum does not do it automatically.Thank you
I could not find it and it was in API, Thanks!